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Egy gyarmattal megtörténhet

2015. július 26. 12:38 - Jo zanito

"A görögök nem adják a reptereiket a németeknek

Megakadt a görög repülőterek privatizációja, írja a Handelsblatt.

A Fraport 14 repülőteret, köztük a második legnagyobb görög város, Szaloniki repülőterét, és Kréta, Rodosz, Míkonosz, és Szantorini repterét is megszerezné.

A görög infrastrukturális ügyekért felelős miniszter a héten újra támadta a görög repülőterek eladását, véleménye szerint Európában sehol máshol nem fordult még elő, hogy a nyereségesen működő, nagy utasforgalmú repülőtereket privatizálják, miközben a veszteséges repterek üzemeltetése továbbra is az állam feladata. A miniszter szerint ez a fajta eljárás egy gyarmattal megtörténhet, de nem egy európai uniós tagországgal."

Forrás: http://www.portfolio.hu/vallalatok/a_gorogok_nem_adjak_a_reptereiket_a_nemeteknek.217428.html?utm_source=index_main&utm_medium=portfolio_box&utm_campaign=portfoliobox

...Mondja a szélsőbalos Sziriza minisztere. Aki nyilván nem tud róla, de el sem tudja képzelni, pedig igaz:

A masszívan nyereséges budapesti repülőteret a Gyurcsány-kormány adta el külföldieknek, a 2006-os választások előtt.


Érdemes az ilyenekkel tisztában lenni ahhoz, hogy a maga helyén láthassuk a hazai baloldalt.

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What does the new agreement really mean for Greece?

2015. július 13. 12:11 - Jo zanito

1. Create a basket (fund) under the supervision and control of foreign banks.

2. Put the strategically and economically most valuabe national assets (ports, airports, electricity grid, etc) into the basket.

3. The foreign banks controlling the basket will decide whom to sell to, when, and for how much.

4. The money received for the assets is directly sent to greek banks.

5. Taxpayer money from all eurozone countries is sent to the greek banks.

6. After all these cash injections, the greek banks are taken over by the foreign banks.



The strategically and economically most valuabe national assets are transferred to foreign ownership, plus their value in cash (double loss). In bonus, the banking sector is also transferred to foreign ownership (triple loss), along with eurozone taxpayer money (quadruple loss).

For Greek economy: zero gain, quadruple loss

For Eurozone taxpayers: zero gain, triple loss (three bailout packages)

Foreign banks: all the gains of the above, plus a milking cow that the Greek economy will be for the next decades.


Actions speak louder than words – making it plain to see whose interests these current EU institution leaders are really pursuing. (And, of course, not only in this case.)


Next steps:

In about a year’s time, an indebted weak economy, stripped of its key assets, and resting on a desperate and upset population, is left to go bankrupt. In the chaos that ensues, an economy in shambles is dictated by the foreign owned strategic and banking sectors from a position of ultimate power. (For comparison, check out e.g. Hungarian economy of the early 90’s, how strategic and banking sectors have been flogged to foreign ownership and how they then abused this position of power.)

Eurozone citizens lose the money they sent and are upset at greek citizens for having “squandered” these funds. The now complementary austerity measures will be stepped up and intensified.

Greece will exit the Eurozone, and the Euro itself will suffer significantly.

Greek economy will face decades of servitude, until an able political class can rise and start to reverse the process.



This disgraceful deal does not pass the necessary parliamentary confirmations. Time is short, and critical.


Greece will face all the same challenges that it would anyway in about a year’s time. But without a crippling blood loss.

Lower loss for Eurozone taxpayers, and less feelings of hostility in the EU.


The choice is now still open. But not for long.

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2015. január 13. 20:54 - Jo zanito

Az új divat-topik

No, közvetlenül még mielőtt a fél társaság szélsebesen lecseréli charlie-s plakettjét - új lapra lesz szükség, mert a másik oldala már rikárdós - és ráírja, hogy "én is bevándorló vagyok", el lehet gondolkodni kicsit az alábbi ábrán, annak természetes lefutásán.

S leginkább mindazon, ami mögötte folyik.


(gy.k: európai demográfia, schengeni övezet követelményei, Kelet-Európai térség destabilizációja, amerikai hiperaktivitás, kilátások. Shaken, not stirred.)

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Je NE suis PAS Charlie

2015. január 10. 17:14 - Jo zanito

An exceptional time when standing up for either side is wrong, and against is right.

The shocking act of terrorism is aggravated by the idiocy of masses appearing to equate the commendable value "freedom of expression" with the arrogance to advertise someone else's most holy relic as "SHIT":


Really, what did they expect? A pat on the back?  Wake up: the people you have so gleefully offended are not young facebook-warrior liberals, but war-hardened fanatics. Is it surely the best idea to insolently insult them where it hurts the most?

You can, but it is possible that they will come back to you on that. And just like you did not ask them how they agree with your selected methods of insult, they may not be much interested on how you agree with theirs.

And who said that killing is the prerogative of some people, and not of others? Just a single example, what the US-led allies did in Kuwait, bombing a convoy ESCAPING from the warzone:


Source:  http://ritkanlathatotortenelem.blog.hu/2015/01/05/napi_erdekes_31_kep_348#gallery-1419289799_1

And this particular destruction is a hardly noticeable fraction of all the casualties from recent western interventions around the globe, e.g. over 1 million CIVILIAN deaths in the second Iraqi war only. Or the attacks on Libya, where France assumed it has full licence to fire at will. Or the ongoing brutal civil war in Syria, incited and sustained by west-sponsored terror armies, for three years and counting.

The people who survive these brutal interventions (e.g. the children of those killed) may remain "unconvinced" of the greatness of the western civilization. And may remain prepared to demonstrate their discontent. May even have nothing to lose. And may be inclined to spread the word.

Are you really surprised now to face some consequences? Especially after further relentless, insulting provocation?

What goes around comes around. Politicians have to be genuinely irresponsible to disregard that. Or genuinely stupid, not to understand it. And instead babble on about the irrelevant topic of "freedom of expression".

And all those "Je suis Charlies" out there. It is nice that you are trying to support victims. But instead, what you are in fact doing is claiming exclusive right for yourself to insult and to massacre. This is not at all nice.

By advertising "Je suis Charlie", you are not only testifying your support for extreme stupidity and arrogance of western civilization, but also demonstrating its hopelessness to understand what is wrong with such behaviour.

Condolences to the victims and their families, who had to learn all this the hard way. 

As for the rest of us, let us learn from their mistakes.

One good start is removing your "Charlie" identity.





Zuckerberg: A Facebookon bárki szabadon elmondhatja a véleményét! - Nekünk azért lenne néhány kérdésünk...


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